Zombie apocalypse survivor
Zanite sweet zanite
Your first vote
Working at the chicken butchery
Where's your bow now?
Wheat Farmer
Welcome Visit
Warm me up!
Veteran miner
Unstoppable Force vs Unmoveable Object
Ultimate voter
Ultimate Monster Hunter
Ultimate hunter
Try hard, never die
Treasure Chest
Toxic but... Exotic!
Tough as rock
These Quests suck!
There's an issue with the circuit
The supreme miner
The sky is the limit
The Perfect Quest..
The perfect gentleman
The other blue gemstone
The Minecraft-whisperer
The healing stone
The Hardest Worker
The handyman
The Grinda Designa
The forbidden fruit
The floating island devourer
The Farmer
The end is near!
The Bounty Hunter
The Backup Plan
Taming the crowd
Take a rest...
Take a Dive
Survivalist I
Supreme hunter of the world!
Sugar daddy
Stone crusher
Stock Manipulator
Stock Crasher
Starting Out
Sparkly Bees
Sea Biscuit
Sand Castle
Rushin' for Victory
Run forest run
Ruling the End!
Roadworks.. almost
Repeat Visit
Reed Farmer
Rebuilder IV
Rebuilder III
Rebuilder II
Ready to Shop
Ready to Shoot
Ready to Plant
Ready to Mine
Ready to Dig
Ready to Chop
Queen of the Sea
Puff Poofer
Puff in the fish
Professional sky digger
Professional Boxer
Powerd by redstone
Pirate Slayer I
Pig army
Persistant miner
Oooh.. Sharp and Shiny!
Ooh look a flower..
No longer homeless!
Near total extincition
MYCENA!!! (duh dun da deh duh!)
My work here is done.
Monster Hunter
Mining the unspeakable
Minecraft Magic
Minecraft addict
Master of Portals
Market Player
Marathon Runner
Lumberjack IV
Lumberjack III
Lumberjack II
Luck of the.. Wheel?
Loving the Poison
Let there be light
Let there be darkness
Leaf the leafs alone
Kaleidoscopic Bees!
Just a Splash
Joining the special unit
Jeweler IV
Jeweler III
Jeweler II
Its Getting Dark
It's bigger on the inside
It Bee how it Bee
Iron-man III
Iron-man II
Illegal Logger
Ice ice baby
I'm Blue
I Pick things up, I put them down
I feel like we have a connection
Hot Rod
Horrible sheep herder
Home sweet home
Holy miner V
Holy miner IV
Holy miner III
Holy miner II
Holy miner I
Hidden Pirates Chest
Heavenly lumberjack
Head in the clouds
Happy Birthday
Gold Rushin' in Style
Gold Mastery
Gold Digger III
Gold Digger II
Gold Digger
Going for Gold!
Glow in the dark
Global Warming
Give me more to do!
Get to Class
Fruit Juice!
Fire Fighter IV
Fire Fighter III
Fire Fighter II
Fire Fighter I
Finding Nemo
Finding Dory...
Fighting Spirit
Eye of the tiger
Experience Juice
Everybody loves bacon
Every day I'm shoveling!
Enter the Elysian
Elysian Knight II
Elysian Knight I
Egyptian collector
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Fighter V
Dragon Fighter IV
Dragon Fighter III
Dragon Fighter II
Dragon Fighter I
Dirty bastard
Digging the Aether!
Diamond Mastery
Demolition man
Dancing with a lich
Daily Doer
D-D-Drop the Bass!
Creepers creeper
Crawling creepers
Conqueror of heaven and earth!
Coal miner
Cloud annihilator
Close encounter with netherworld
Celestial Knight V
Celestial Knight IV
Celestial Knight III
Celestial Knight II
Celestial knight
Caught red handed!
Cant... Stop.. voting...
Bronze knight IV
Bronze knight III
Bronze knight II
Bronze knight I
Bounty hunter
Boss Killer V
Boss Killer IV
Boss Killer III
Boss Killer II
Boss Killer I
Blue Man Group
Block placer
Bling Bling!
Black widow
All in a day's work!
Addicted Collector
A slimy situation
*enderman noises*